Sunday, July 18, 2010

Would you rather be really hot or really cold?

I totally vote for cold. You can always put more on, but you can only take so much off.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Is Where I Belong

At this very moment in time I am feeling really lost. I don't know who I am suppose to be, what I am suppose to be doing and I sure as hell don't know what tomorrow will bring. I do know that for the most part I am happy. I am grateful to have a roof over my head, food to eat, a job, clothes on my back and all the other things we all take for grante.

Am I suppose to where I am right now? Yes. Fate, destiny or whatever you call it has brought me here and will continue me on my journey. I was told yesterday that I was the best thing that could have happened to Travis and Valory. And that I can't go anywhere. That was the more rewarding statement I have ever heard. That's all I have ever wanted to do with my life is to make a difference in someone else's.

Being a "Step-Mom" certainly isn't the easyest job in the world. But in my heart I know I am doing what I should. There are so many days that I would love to just run away and tell Travis to figure it out himself, but I know in my heart I can't. That little girl needs me and in a way I need her. She entered my life for a reason, just like everyone does.

I am happy.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

I believe there has to other life out there. There is no telling how far space goes. There is no reason there isn'. So yes I do.

Ask me anything

What do you want or hope for most this coming month?

In the month of July...... I would like to spend some real quality time with my honey. I would like to devote some time to the following, blogging, working out, cleaning more, and budgeting better.

Ask me anything